How do I log in?

If you have not purchased or subscribed yet, you will need to do so first.

The first time you sign up, you'll be prompted to set a password:

  1. Enter your email address on the login page.
  2. On the next page, enter your password and click Sign In.
  3. If you've already created a password, and it's not working, you can reset or set a password to log in on that page or use the email link method below.

Please try these steps to login via email sign-in link:

  1. Please add '' to your contact list to ensure messages from us do not end up in your spam folder.
  2. Enter your email address on  the login page
  3. If you are an active customer, you will be immediately sent an email link that will log you in, once clicked. Open your email inbox, and click the login link.
  4. You will then be logged in to watch your purchased/rented/subscribed video content within your Vimeo OTT Library.